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Local charities do great work and they need help.

Bella Spa is proud to be a part of this.

As Bella Spa's clients, you should be proud to know that for every £30 you spend in our salon, £1 goes directly to support local charities through voucher donation scheme to turn into cash funding local projects. The vouchers for Bella Spa services in nail, beauty and wellbeing after being given to local charities will be then sold to the public at aution events or annual events. These events are usally organised by local charities with our presence to raise funds supporting good causes such as cancer support, hospice, children in need,...

If you know a local charity that you want to sponsor through our voucher donation scheme, kindly get in touch with us at or tel: 0161 300 4049, we would be happy to help you raise fund for your local charities.

We at Bella Spa are very interested in supporting local charities and community organisations that work hard to make their community a better place. But alone we can not do it all. With the continous support from our clients, Bella Spa pledges committments to help local communities in good causes. Here is a brief of how we get involved into something beneficial to local communities.

We are very grateful for all your support by using Bella Spa's services to keep our business going so that we can continue to play our small part in helping great causes.

A network based in Vietnam to provide needed information and social support for women with breast cancer and also raise public awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer prevention.

Bella Spa has been an active supporter of Beechwood Cancer Care Centre since 2012 providing hundreds of our gift vouchers for Bella Spa services to raise funds at their annual events supporting cancer patients in Manchester city.

Bella Spa has donated vouchers worth £3900 to Macmillan Cancer Support to raise funds in their annual event Fashion Kicks where thousand of public members help buy the vouchers to raise funds for their projects since 2012

Bella Spa has donated vouchers worth over £500 to Sport Relief annual events to raise funds for their projects since 2011

Bella Spa has organised fund raising events at our salon with Bella Spa's customers, family and friends. We had lots of homemade food and drinks, we had a great time raising funds for BBC Children in Need charitable causes. It was a fun day and we would love to have you join us every year.